Delivery Information

1. Conveyance Time and Guarantee

Conveyance of the jacket will be generally in 10-20 working days. We will advise you by email when your request is sent. This notification will give you an evaluation of the quantity of days inside which your request will arrive. In the event that your conveyance is postponed past indicated time you are encouraged to get in touch with us by email.

You can get in touch with us by email with every one of the insights in regards to the conveyance that is taking longer than the delivery notice gauge, We will hit you up with the dispatch's following number for the shipment and the bearings for utilizing this number to take in the status of your shipment.

In the event that the messenger can't find your shipment and give you a normal conveyance date, the conveyance ensure for will produce into results.

2.How shipments are made

Our distribution center is found abroad and consequently all shipments and Rugs begin from that point and are traveled to their separate destination.

Express shipment DHL and FedEx are utilized for delivery all requests. Express shipment implies that the transfer is traceable and can be followed. Amid this whole extend  it is conceivable to track the bundle, with the messenger following number gave by the express shipment organization. The dispatch following number is given by Leather Icon, once your bundle is transported. This office helps you to keep a nearby watch on the development of your shipment, towards its last destination. The whole delivering procedure is traceable; henceforth the clients can get their bundles comfortable entryway venture according to their benefit and with no bothers.

On the off chance that it is unrealistic for you to sign and gather your shipment at the plausible date of landing of your shipment, you can absolutely leave a note on the entryway guiding conveyance to a neighbor, who can sign for the bundle for your sake.

On the off chance that nobody can sign for the conveyance for your benefit, Express dispatch will leave a note with shipment number and a contact number so you can call them and orchestrate the conveyance. It is to be noticed that, we don't make conveyance at Post office box.

3. Sees You Will Receive

When you ahead of everyone else your request you will get notice, recognizing the receipt of your request in this manner sending you a duplicate of your nitty gritty receipt.

On the off chance that you don't get these notification, then it ought to be taken allowed that your request was not enrolled into our framework, consequently it can't be prepared and sent.

4. On the off chance that conveyance is late?

On the off chance that for any reason your request neglects to arrive or it can't find your shipment, the credit will be charged back to your Mastercard, equivalent to the measure of your buy, or a substitution shipment will be sent to you.

In the event that you insinuate us by email about the conveyance that is taking longer than the transportation notice gauge, we will hit you up with the messenger's following number for the shipment and bearings for utilizing this number to take in the status of your shipment.

5. At the point when to expect Delivery

We will send you an email when the request is delivered and advise the following subtle elements. The data helps you to keep yourself redesigned with the latest advancement of shipment.

This notification lets you know the date we sent your request, furthermore expected conveyance date inside 10-20 working days. Conveyance is quite often in less time than this.

6. In Case of Damage/Defect

On the off chance that, for any reason, you get any item from Attire Prime that is harmed then you can get in touch with us inside the initial 7 days.

7. Essential Note

Import obligations, duties and charges are excluded in the thing cost or dispatching charges. These charges are the purchaser's duty. If you don't mind check with your nation's traditions office to figure out what these extra expenses will be before purchasing.

When we transport the request and give following number, it is the obligation of the client to catch up with the dispatch organization. In the event that the request is put on hold by messenger organization because of any reason, or dispatch organization endeavors to convey request when the client is not at home, it is client's obligation to contact dispatch organization. We suggest you the subsequent meet-up messenger once you are given the following number. After numerous conveyance disappointment endeavors at the gave address, dispatch organization may obliterate the package and we won't be mindful all things considered.


In the event of procurement of numerous things, or various exchanges from the same clients. We for the most part ship things in one package, be that as it may, contingent upon what you requested, your request might be transported in more than one bundle.